BDL, Bout a Different Life, why use broken English to title a blog about living differently and fully? BDL comes from something some of my students were talking about last year, except they were saying BTL (Bout That Life). They were talking about some kids they knew who were involved in stuff high school kids shouldn't be involved in, selling drugs, doing drugs, robbing people, fighting; you know the run of the mill high school drama. They would then say, "oh yeah so and so is BTL." I have a habit of jumping in to my student's conversations and I was curious about BTL, they of course ask and laugh, "Mr. Gaskill you BTL?" (verbs are optional at my high school but I at least am addressed so formally) They eventually told me BTL meant Bout That Life, in one of my more clever moments I said, "No, I'm BDL!" Pondering what is this crazy man talking about I told the students that I was Bout a Different Life. BDL became a theme for the class that year.
Not only a theme for the class that year, but a theme I attempt to live my life by. Admittedly, I fall short of always living to the standard of BDL. I can be cynical, sarcastic, I enjoy listening to a little gossip here and there, all qualities that fit me comfortably into the crowd of people around me.
My goal for myself, my students, my readers is to encourage them to be about something different. My hope is to continue to share this message with people. That through this you might discover what your different life looks like. You don't have to live a life that looks like mine or anyone else's. Find your Narrow Gate, walk through it and pursue it with purpose and passion.
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