How many people in your life do you put ahead of yourself. Whose happiness is more important than your own? This is a tough concept to wrap our heads around, but for most of us we would easily respond with answers like our children, our wife, our parents, brothers or sisters.
These are good answers.
Are they though, the answers that people see when they look at our lives?
Who else is there?
Are there people outside of your family that you are willing to put on that list. If so, how far would you be willing to go for them?
This video, West-Jet Christmas Miracle, was posted on a blog by author Jon Acuff, I thought the video was worth sharing and it went with what I was sharing today.
It is this placement of ourselves as less important than others that places us in a great position of leadership.
If you are wondering why people aren't following you, why they don't respect your leadership?
It could be their perception of your value of them and what you would be willing to sacrifice for them. People follow when they are convinced you are placing their needs before your own.
A great symbol of being "Bout a Different Life" and being well on the way through the Narrow Gate.
"Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand." A paraphrased quote from a guy named Paul or Saul, depends on who you ask.
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