Sunday, November 17, 2013

Words of Strength

Yesterday my daughter had swim practice, she's 8.  When she arrived, she had to let the coach know she would have to leave a little early.  He took that opportunity to tell her he was impressed with how good she was getting at butterfly, a big smile appeared on my 8 year olds face.  What a great example of using words to drive people to be great.  It wasn't planned or thought out, it was just an opportunity and it landed perfectly.
This is something we too often forget to do.  A simple little complement can go such a long way, not just for an 8 year old swimmer but for any one whose life you hope to impact.  As you begin to move towards living differently start with telling people what they are doing well, it will help you both moving on the narrow path.  Thanks Coach Garr for lifting my daughter up with words of greatness.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent example of effective coaching, teaching, and parenting.
