Friday, December 20, 2013

START STRONG...Finish Later

Finish strong.  

There's a problem with this theory.  There is a different way to look at this.  It's not actually how you finish, but that you simply START.

I'm reading a book by Jon Acuff, titled...START.  I'm just getting started on the book, and Jon makes a pretty good point early on in the book.  You can control the start, the finish is out of your control.  I'm a big proponent of the idea of controlling what you can control, control the controllables.  Those are the things you need to own.  So the start of your venture is one of those things you can own.  It's your choice whether to do it or not, you decide how much time you put in, you own it all.  The finish though, the results, that is out of your control.

This morning my wife and I woke up to a surprise, two daughters that can't go to school.  With two working parents, this becomes a moment of panic and scrambling around  figuring out who will be affected less by missing the day of work.  This morning my wife stepped up and was the first to point out, "Okay, this is going to be okay, we can't change anything at this point."

She decided to stay home today and not worry too much about how this will affect travel plans next week and the plans for the weekend.  Those are out of our control.  She will START, treating our daughters, taking care of their needs to help them get on the path of feeling better.  The results though, the finish, are out of our control.  We don't know at this point how long this will last, how many plans will have to be changed.

As you are thinking about your vision for you life and pursuing "the Different Life" or entering the Narrow Gate, remember it's more important to START than worry about the finish.  You can have a vision, and there's only one thing you know, if you don't start moving towards it your vision will always just be a vision.

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  1. I agree! It is true that you may not complete your vision; however, if you don't have one to begin with there is no way to ever finish. I do wonder where "Poppy" was hanging out this morning?

    I have had a vision of a book for many years now, but never started. It is now started, but still remains a vision until I make it a mission to complete from start to finish. Hopefully 2014 brings it to the finish line; however, there is a lot of junk that seems to get in the way.

    Check with me this time next year to see if is still a vision or if the mission has been completed.

  2. you can count on me asking about the book.
