I want to offer you a special deal. I'm so passionate about you and, your choice to begin moving towards the life you envision; I want to offer you the opportunity to work with me to develop your path to a different life.
Life coaches and professional coaches in all different genres can charge on average $300-$500 per month, and sometimes higher than that.
I'm going to do something unheard of in the world of business. I'm going to let you put a value on working with a coach. That's right, you get to decide how much coaching is worth to you. For the next 12 months, I am offering coaching and walking with you through the Narrow Gate, so you can begin moving towards the life you dream of.
Coaching has helped me begin this journey, to live a different life. I couldn't think of anything more different than offering coaching services to you and letting you choose how much they cost.
Coaching is about your discovery of where you want to be, a better husband, father, employee, leader, educator, writer, student, or getting healthier. Here are some Frequently asked questions about coaching from the International Coach Federation.
Get the process started today go to my Narrow Gate Coaching and register to get more information on coaching services for groups and for individuals. There are a limited number of spots available so get registered as quickly as possible. Don't let this opportunity slip away.
What area of your life could you use coaching?
Feel free to share this opportunity with your friends on Facebook and Followers on Twitter.
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