Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why wait for 2014?

I've never been a New Year's resolution kind of guy.

I always have felt like "what's the point," just creating a goal because I was going to start writing a new number on my checks seemed ridiculous.  My view has been, when I need to make a goal I will make one. Goals are fluid they move and they need to be evaluated from time to time.  More often than New Year's Eve probably gets you on the right track.

We are famous for the "I'm going to lose weight, get in shape" goal.  The I will spend more time with family goal.  This year I will cut out excess and focus on my passions.  The problem is we often don't understand how we are going to get from where we are to where we want to be.

This really became clear this year as I encouraged high school students to create a path to the life they dream of.  Their responses almost across the board-

"Work harder"  "Get focused"  "Get better grades"

All great ideas; but they lack real direction.  They lack measurable tasks that you can see and feel.  To turn goals into achievement you need them to be clearly defined and measurable.  What is working harder? Being more focused?  What will you do different to get better grades?

Results don't change without actions.  Actions creates results.  Focus on the action.  Be specific.

Today is here right now, I can't think of a reason to wait for 2014 to start moving your life in the direction you want it to go.

The results will follow.  So WAKE UP, enter the NARROW GATE, and be "Bout a Different Life"

Share how you plan to attack 2014 get a running start, start today.

Video thanks to

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